10 EXPRESS Bird DNA Sexing tests
Save time and keep the quality!
Unbeatable price with the voucher of 10 EXPRESS Bird DNA Sexing is currently the most reliable, fast and easy method for breeders. Know the gender of your bird in only 4 working days* from sample reception at the laboratory. Otherwise, we refund you!
We can successfully DNA-sex more than 480 species. Please check here the list of species. If you wish to sex a specie that is not in the list, please contact us prior to shipping the samples.
*Guaranteed delay always if samples provided by the customer come in good conditions and do not need repetitions in the analysis’ process.
Save time and get reliable results! If you want to know the sex of your bird within 4 working days! From the day of reception of the sample. After this deadline, you would get your money back. Voucher of 10 tests, available exclusively at our online store.